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Thomas Pickett
Content-Length Error:

I am just trying to call the ping:

curl --request POST \ --url https://api.fortellis.io/vehicles/reference/v4/vehicle-specifications/ping \ --header "authorization: Bearer eyJhbGcijkiJSUzI1..." \ --header "Subscription-Id: test" \  

I get: {"fault":{"faultstring":"Content-Length is missing","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.adaptors.http.flow.LengthRequired"}}}


Now there is a saleforce error that is similar and had a solution:

adding Content-Length: 0, which kinda makes sense....

so adding --header "Content-Length: 0" to the original call then I get: 

{ "message": "Invalid SubscriptionId or Implementation provider is not configured for the requested API." }

so doesn't test doesn't work on this call? 





Hello, Thank you for reaching out, The PING method has been deprecated, we apologize for any confusion, and have let the development team know that it is still showing as a valid method.

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