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OAuth flow Redirect URL can't handle underscore

Using an underscore ("_") in a redirect URL for an oauth flow returns a "/?error=flow+not+supported". Example: Registered a redirect url of {baseURL}/oauth/fortellis_redirect, and received the aforementioned error after authenticating. Changing the redirect url to {baseURL}/oauth/fortellisredirect will properly return the PKCE code from the flow for the user. Underscores are valid URLs and the flow should be able to handle them.

Eric Burns
Hello Jake,
Hello Jake, Thanks for your feedback. Though underscores are valid, they are not recommended. Please see Google's guidelines for URL's: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/guidelines/url-structure?hl=en

If there are guidelines that
If there are guidelines that define a supported url in your system, can we have those added to the documentation?

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