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Eric Burns
How do I use Test-Subscription ID?

Fortellis requires a valid Subscription-Id in order to access APIs and this Id represents a subscription between a subscriber (dealer) and a Fortellis Application. To aid developer testing without a real subscriber, Fortellis creates a test subscription and provisions a Subscription-Id for testing.

- The Test Subscription ID can be found in two locations – Fortellis APIs and Fortellis Applications.

Fortellis APIs

- Upon registering a Fortellis API in either Production, Test or Dev Environments, Fortellis will provide a unique Test Subscription-Id which will be used to test your API endpoints against the API Target URL.

Fortellis Applications

- Upon registering a Fortellis Application, Fortellis configures a Test Subscription-Id which aids in testing API functionality. The Fortellis Application Test Subscription-Id could be used if the API Publisher has created a Test Environment for their API.